Taking A Natural Path To Digestive Health

We all know the basics of digestive health, that poor health is uncomfortable and good health promoted by a good diet. We know that sugars are bad, and that probiotics are good. What you might not know is how important the role of your digestive system is in sustaining a healthy immune system and emotional wellbeing. Poor digestive function will lead to anxiety, depression, ‘fogginess’ and headaches, as well as arthritis, sinusitis and congestion. With 70 percent of your immune system located within your digestive system, digestive health should be a priority.

The Importance of Good Digestion

Digestion is how your body gathers vitamins and nutrients and delivers them to the right places. No matter how good your diet is, if your body can’t absorb nutrients it will let you know this through manifesting one of the above symptoms.

Eating quickly, over- or under-eating, and eating processed foods can all weaken digestion. Prescription and over-the-counter medications, which we often take to keep pace with a fast-moving world, can cause our digestive system all kinds of difficulties. The problem is that they’re a short-term solution to a particular problem, and pack a powerful punch that disrupts some of the body’s most essential processes. Common drugs such as ibuprofen can weaken the stomach’s lining, diminishing its ability to absorb nutrients and leading to ulcers. Antibiotics can stimulate the growth of ‘bad bacteria’, the kind we tackle with pre- and probiotics, while most antacids on the market lead to constipation.

Natural Digestive Health

There are natural ways to keep the balance, moderating good and bad bacteria without intrusive and disruptive – and often unnecessary – medications. Maintaining a good diet, exercising and finding natural ways to unwind and distress will often remove the ‘everyday’ aches and pains. When problems do occur, it’s advisable to resort to natural alternatives, such as CharcoCaps, that work in harmony with you body.

When it comes to looking after your body in a natural, long-term way, many people don’t know where to start. A good diet can mean different things to different people, and it’s advisable to follow these three guidelines:

  • Have yourself tested for food intolerance and allergies
  • Seek the advice of a nutritionist and create a diet plan
  • When creating a diet plan, don’t get rid of all the ‘nice’ things – use in moderation, and as rewards for your efforts
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