Foods To Avoid To Beat The Bloat

Bloating is the term used to describe the feeling of swelling, pressure and discomfort you may experience after eating. The swelling and pressure are due to excess gas in the intestines that may be caused by a number of different reasons, such as constipation, overeating or swallowing air, but the most common cause is due to eating habits. The following are the most common foods that cause bloating.


Vegetables are excellent for your health, but most produce some type of gas. They vary in the amount of gas they produce and the ability for absorbing and tolerating the gases are different in everyone. Some vegetables are more gas producing than others, such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, onions, peppers, lentils and Lima beans.

Starchy Foods

There are a number of starchy foods that cause bloating including wheat, pasta and potatoes. As these types of foods are broken down in your large intestine they produce gas, which causes the discomfort and bloating. Eating foods such as cake and bread that contain refined grains, such as white flour can cause water retention, which leads to bloating.

Carbonated Beverages

Drinking any type of carbonated beverage may cause bloating due to the bubbles, which contain carbon dioxide that may cause gas and bloating. Beverages that are acidic, such as fruit juice, coffee and tea can also cause bloating, because they irritate the GI tract.

Dairy Products

One of the most common foods that cause bloating are foods that contain lactose. Lactose intolerance is a condition that causes your body to become sensitive to dairy products. The sensitivity prohibits the body from being able to digest the lactose, which results in bloating and discomfort. Dairy products include foods such as milk, cheese, butter and sour cream.

If you experience bloating on a regular basis, one of the easiest ways to determine which foods cause bloating and discomfort for you is to keep a food diary for at least one week. Write down each food and beverage you consume and how you felt afterwards. If you continue to have bloating or experience pain while bloated, it is important to visit your family physician to make sure the problem isn’t more serious.

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